Saturday, January 16, 2010

the two cases of the wonder twins

quote of the day:
"I never let my school get in the way of my education."
-Mark Twain
Don't get me wrong. I actually really like school. I actually just got my 1st acceptance letter from college yesterday, so victory. I learn things. I see my friends. Its good and productive instead of being a slug on society. But i swear to god................. if there is any more drama today I am going to lose it. 6 girls all in love with the same boy, but no one wants to tell him how they feel? What a bunch of bs. Be a man and man up. Then maybe, just maybe, something might actually happen between the two of you. Wow, what a shocking concept.
I promised myself that I was not going to be angry in meoldramatic in blogs. But you know what? Who cares? Its how I feel at this moment and i hope that you appreciate the honesty. Maybe we care to much about other peoples bullshit. But you know what, I would always rather care too much. Maybe we are a little too nosy. Actually thats not a probably, its truth. But we accept it.
- i am excited for jack.

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