Friday, August 28, 2009

kickoff destroys your mind

ummm, so i don't know who invented kickoff but they deserve a firm kick in the cooch. like i don't want to stand outside, in 102 degree weather with children i dont even like for 4 flipping hours. nope, i dont know anyone who wants that. and then no one remebers their forms, and you have to get back in the line, and carry 12 bagillion books to your car, and literally get in fistfights with people to see your counselor, and its just absoluteley the single stupidist thing mankind has ever come up with.

quote of the day: duck and cover

kickoff. something i have been trying to avoid. we all know that's not going to happen. my experience last year was... well lets not talk about it. okay i will. i was there 4 and a half freaking hours! and i was even ten minutes early. and that is good for me. i am normally at least ten minutes late to school everyday so i thought, ten minutes early rebecca, u are golden! apparently not. apparentyl everyone else had the idea to come 45 minutes early. so this year i wanted to be prepared. so i set my alarm for 6:40 and i woke up at 7:20. i ended up getting to school not when i wanted but i was like whatever. i get out of the car , and i am like great now i have to see 500 people i dnt like. this is going ot be great. . i had a great conversation with mrs. durso. and i avoided hte rest of the people i dnt like, minus a good 7 people. it was a much better expereince than i thought it would be. i get home and my arms are so tired, i can barely lift my water glass.


  1. I know that this is kind of insensitive, but this post just makes me really glad to not be in high school any more.

  2. LOL, kicked in the cooch. That made me literally LOL.

    Since I've been in college I haven't had to wake up earlier than 8AM EVER. Fuck yeah.

